Breaking Down the Plank
The plank is the king of all movements when it comes to developing your core. This static hold position has a myriad physical benefits including strengthening your core muscle and relieving lower back pain. The trick is that it taps into so many different training modalities – strength, endurance, stability, breath. Suddenly, this seemingly simple exercise isn’t quite to simple.
But why is it that you’ve been planking everyday but you’re not getting any better at it? Though the plank may not have same dynamism as a burpee or a mountain climber, it’s actually one of the easiest movements to mess up. There are a lot of little nuanced things your body needs to be doing that you may not realize are missing from your plank.
So here I’ve created a video breaking down the plank. I’ve covered some of the major plank Do’s and Don’ts of both the “Low Plank” and the “High Plank.” I hope you find it helpful for creating strength in your core, progressing you to longer holds, and better movement quality overall.
Let me know below if these tips worked for you!